Volume XI, No. 2, August 1997

The Center for Systematic Entomology

Membership Information


The Center for Systematic Entomology provides a major publication outlet for the World's systematic entomologists, as well as forum for the exchange of news, information, and ideas about systematics. Through the grant program, systematic entomologists, as members of CSE, are supported by providing travel funds for field work and collection study. With a Worldwide membership, the organization reaches all of the states of the USA, much of Canada and Mexico, and many other countries in the New World. We are expanding our membership to much of the Old World, particularly Europe and Japan. With this wide representation we can expect, through the medium of the Newsletter, to keep in touch with the systematic activities throughout the World.


In the middle of the summer of 1996 the Editorial Board of INSECTA MUNDI announced the appointment of Dr. James E. Lloyd, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, as editor of Insecta Mundi for 1997, volume 11.

An additional editor was needed for the Center's Newsletter which in the past has been a burden on the president of the Center. Therefore the Board of Directors appointed the retiring editor of Insecta Mundi, Dr. Ross H. Arnett, Jr., as the editor of a new quarterly news bulletin called News and Views. This has been a column in past issues of Insecta Mundi, to include other information not considered to be journal articles or notes.

The Center has in press the first volume of its new memoir series. More information about this is included below. Also, Dr. Arnett is editing this series.


At the present time there are over 65 newsletters pertaining to orders, families, or even genera of insects. None cover all of systematic entomology. However, this new publication will bring together highlights of activities in all orders of insects by workers throughout the World.

The purpose of this new quarterly is to inform systematic entomologists throughout the World about on going systematic projects; news of the activities of individual systematic entomologists; notice of new systematic monographs; news of collections and collecting travels; and current developments pertaining to the Lacey Act and other information about endangered and threatened species. Even with the many informal publications about major groups of insects, these are read only by specialists, and many other groups are neglected. We expect to cover the entire range of systematic entomology.

In a future issue of NEWS AND VIEWS we will list the entomological newsletters, particularly those pertaining to systematic entomology. We invite editors of these newsletters to send us a recent issue so that the contents and purpose of the publication may be accurately cited. If these are available on the internet, please include this information as well.


On an attached sheet is a form that may be used for sending news about activities and/or individuals, to include in the next issue of News and Views. Also, we will add your name to our growing mailing list. The next issue of News & Views is scheduled for mailing September 15th, 1997.



Our goal is to reach 500 members during 1997. "More members, more pages!"

Membership advantages

Receive quarterly, Insecta Mundi, over 320 pages per volume Publish up to 25 pages per year free of page charges Keep up with new activities in insect systematics Receive issues of the monograph series at substantial discount Visit the Dominican Republic field station, when constructed, and benefit from local assistance finding good collecting sites; collecting permits assistance provided to members.


The Center for Systematic Entomology (CSE) was founded in 1986 by a group of entomologists associated with the Florida State Collection of Arthropods at Gainesville, Florida.

The purpose of the CSE is to promote insect systematics World wide. This is done through publications, research grants, the development of collections, and the establishment of research facilities.


Insecta Mundi, which was privately published for the first two volumes, was designated as the official journal of the CSE. After the completion of volume 4, the journal was turned over to the Center, along with the back stock, then owned by Ross H. Arnett, Jr. At first, membership fees and subscription fees were separate. This posed various problems with libraries, subscription agencies, and individuals.

After considerable discussion, it was decided by the Board of Directors of CSE to have only one category of membership, and one membership fee. This includes individuals and institutions. This not only greatly simplified bookkeeping, but also provided a journal to members and institutions at the same cost to each. Considering the growth in membership after this action, it appears to be a success.

The absence of page charges is another step, in effect from the first issues of Insecta Mundi, which took awhile to work fairly, and to permit balanced issues. At first members sent in very long papers. This made it difficult for us to preserve the time honored priority of publishing papers in the order of submission and acceptance. It was necessary for us to limit the number of pages free of pages charges to 25 pages per year. Now long papers can be split, using 25 pages per year, or authors may pay a modest fee of $35.00 per page for those pages over 25 to publish the paper intact. Once this was put into effect, balanced issues were possible, and manuscripts of all sizes are published.

From the start we wished to provide a journal free of pages charges. We feel that having to pay for publication makes the journal much the same as a vanity press, but with peer review. We also wished to provide prompt publication, and hoped that we could speed up publication to the point where a papers is published within 6 months of acceptance.

Therefore, we originally designed a quarterly journal. It has seldom been possible to produce four issues per year for many reasons. Among those reasons are primarily author delays in returning corrected page proof. It is also difficult for the editor to keep up with the work because of delays in peer reviews. But this is still our goal.

The Memoir Series was started in 1996. The first issue, "Lady Beetles of the Russian Far East," by Victor N. Kuznetsov, is at the printers, and will be ready for distribution August 1997. The second memoir, "Checklist and Bibliography of the insects of Grenada and the Grenadines" by Robert E. Woodruff, et al., is nearly ready for printing and will be issued soon after "Lady Beetles."

The purpose of the memoir series is to provide an outlet for the longer works that are too long for Insecta Mundi. Acceptable monographs will be determined by the editorial board, but much will depend on the sales potential, or on the availability of grant support. Revisions, self contained, not as supplements to existing works, checklists, or catalogs of a significant geographical area, or similar systematic studies will be considered. Query the editor in advance of submission of possible manuscripts. Further information sent on request.

The News and Views quarterly is to replace the former newsletter to members. This publication will be sent to all members and anyone else asking to be placed on the mailing list.


Our grant's program has been in effect for several years. Although modest, several grants have been made which have furthered the research of several systematists. In addition, several individuals have studied at the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA), the largest collection of insects in southeastern United States, and one of the largest in the U. S. A. Members of the CSE may apply for grants by writing to the Grants Committee for information and forms.

Research Station

For several years Dr. Robert E. Woodruff has been working to establish a field station in the Dominican Republic, an ideal place for collecting and research on the complex Caribbean insect fauna. Materials for the outfitting of a field station have been gathered. These will be shipped to the DR in the near future. Progress in the development of this station will be reported in future issues.

Editor of News & Views, and Monograph Series: Ross H. Arnett, Jr., 2406 NW 47th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32606.

Editor of Insecta Mundi: James E. Lloyd, Entomology & Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

Publisher: Center for Systematic Entomology
Address: P. O. Box 140429, Gainesville, FL 32614-0429


How many of our members are cruising the internet? We would like to know. When you return the form giving us news for the next issue, also include your e-mail address.

Our Web page

You may keep up-to-date about CSE affairs by opening our Web page:

There you will find:

1997 Officers: J. Howard Frank, President; John Kingsolver, Vice President; G. B. Edwards, Secretary; Avas B. Hamon, Treasurer.

1997 Board Members: Byrd K. Dozier (1999); G. B. Edwards (1999); J. H. Frank (1999); Robert E. Woodruff (1999); Avas B. Hamon (1998); Mike Thomas (1998); Howard Weems (1998); John M. Kingsolver (1998); Joe Eger (1997); Eugene Gerberg (1997); Thomas J. Walker (1997); Cal Welbourn (1997); Dr Wayne Dixon (FDACS-DPI Representative).

1997 Annual Meeting: The 1997 Annual Meeting was held on August 5, at Daytona Beach, Florida. President J. Howard Frank presided. A report of the committees and actions taken will appear in the next Newsletter.

FROM: Center for Systematic Entomology
P. O. Box 147100
Gainesville, FL 32614-7100 USA


Top of Page | Last updated 08 December, 2000