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Memoir Series of the Center for Systematic Entomology
This series of volumes provides for the publication of manuscripts too large for our journal, Insecta Mundi; and so, it is an outlet for major works of general interest, dealing with all aspects of systematics. Prospective titles should be discussed with the Memoir Series Editor, CSE, P.O. Box 141874, Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA.
Memoir No. 1: Lady beetles of the Russion Far East. by Victor N. Kuznetsov, 1997.
A manual for biological control specialists: General Morphology of Lady Beetles; Biology & Ecology of the Coccinellidae; Natural Enemies of the Coccinellidae; Employment of the Coccinellidae of the Far East in Biological Control of plant pests; Taxonomy, including descriptions of the species, habitus drawings, and morphological descriptions; Literature cited; Taxonomic index. 248 pages, hardboard 7 x 10 inches. $58.00 (Members: $29.00), plus shipping. To Order |
Memoir No. 2: Checklist and bibliography of the insects of Grenada and the Grenadines. by R. E. Woodruff, et al., 1998.
Includes a complete list of the insects of these islands as recorded in the literature, with notes; the extensive bibliography is a complete guide to the works useful for the identification of the species. This 286-page book is now available, hard boards, 7x10 inches. $58.00 (Members: $29.00), plus shipping. To Order |
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PO Box 141874, Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 USA insectamundi@gmail.com